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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How to Get Taller Naturally? – 3 Ab Exercises To Get Taller

If you want to know how to get taller fast, then you should know that most of the muscles in your body have an impact on your height.

Therefore, it is important that you have a well-rounded exercise program that affectively works out each important muscle.

This article will teach you about the significance of your abdominal muscles and how a good ab exercise program is one of the major ways to get taller naturally.

Strong abdominal muscles help you get taller in two ways. First, it is known that the strength of your abdominal muscles directly corresponds to the strength of the muscles in your lower back.

These lower back muscles are critical to good posture. It they are weak, and your abs are weak, you will have poor posture which can actually decrease your height. Also, strong lower back muscles help your spine stay flexible which is a key to growth.

Second, working out your abdominal muscles helps you shed extra weight in your abdomen that normally pulls on your back and increases poor posture.

In this article, we will focus on three grow taller exercises that target your lower and middle abdominal muscles. It is important that these exercises be incorporated into a larger abs program so that all of your abdominal muscles are strengthened. Remember, if you have strong abdominal muscles then you will also have a strong back.

Lower Ab Crunch - The Lower Ab Crunch focuses on your lower abdominal muscles. It also helps give you better posture in your lower back by strengthening those muscles.

Lower Ab Crunch - Get Taller

This exercise is a great starting block for an abdominal exercise program aimed at getting taller. You can do this exercise on the floor or on a bench. Lie down flat on your back with your knees bent at a 45 degree angle.

Contract your lower abdominal muscles so that your knees are drawn to your chest in a controlled manner. Then, slowly bring your legs back down. Repeat this process for at least 15 times, making sure that you pull your legs with your lower abdominal muscles each time.

Make sure your hip flexor has no to minimal movement throughout the exercise.

Leg Raise - The Leg Raise or Hip Up is a great follow up to the Lower Ab Crunch as you do your get taller exercises. It will further strengthen your lower back as it tones the muscles in your abdomen.

Leg Raise - Get Taller

While this is a rather uncomplicated exercise, you will quickly feel how effective it is at working out your abdominal and lower back muscles. You can remain on the floor or bench where you just performed the crunching exercise.

Extend your legs up so that they are perpendicular to your body. Then raise your hips about 3 to 5 inches off the ground by pushing up with your lower abs. Your feet should always remain straight while you are lifting.

Gently lower your hips back to the starting position and then repeat at least 15 times.

Side Crunch - The Side Crunch should be the next step in your abs exercise program. There is probably no better exercise to workout the muscles along your rib cage and those at the sides of your abdomen.

Side Crunch - Get Taller

If these muscles are toned, then the corresponding muscles in your back will also be toned. You can remain on the floor or bench that you used for the previous two exercises.

Lie on your side with your arms holding onto the bench or a heavy object behind you, bend your knees. In a very controlled manner, bring your knees to your chest and then lower them back to the starting position.

Rotate to your other side and then repeat the movement. You should repeat this at least 15 times per side. Remember to limit your movement so that your hip flexors remain still, to increase the resistance and toning on your abs.

If you want to know how to get taller naturally by exercising your abs, then you should know that you have to exercise all of your ab muscles.

These three exercises are a good start to a solid ab exercise program, but you will need to follow up these with exercises which target your upper abs.

Furthermore, you need to incorporate aerobic, stretching and other exercises into your program in order to give your body the full workout it needs to grow.

The ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots contains a very detailed exercise program that has been designed to help you get taller. Reading the book will help you better understand the role your abs play in good posture and growth.

Grow Taller 4 Idiots also recommends many other workouts, such as aerobic and stretching exercises to get taller, that you should incorporate into your program if you want to give your body the level of fitness it will need to grow.

Height Exercise

Standing Forward Bend - This is a very simple, but effective, exercise. It is a great way to relax and decompress your spine.

Forward Bend - Increase Height

Also, it stretches your calves, hamstrings, hips, neck, and all of your back support.

To begin this exercise, stand with your feet approximately 18 inches apart and your palms on the back of your thighs.

Then slide your hands down along the side of your legs without bending your knees.

Try to slide as far as possible, as you bend over make sure your hands stay firmly on your legs.

As you bend you will find the resistance increase in your knees, but do not bend them.

Another variation is to slowly run your palms down the back of your legs, forcing you to arch backwards.

Downward Facing Dog - Also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, this yoga-based maneuver is one of the great ways to increase height through stretching and increase your body’s flexibility.

You will want to begin this exercise by getting down on your hands and knees. Your legs should be shoulder width apart and your fingers straight forward.

Downward Facing Dog - Increase Height

Position your elbows so that your inner arm is pointing away from you. Take a deep breath and curl your toes as if you were trying to stand on your toes.

Then straighten your legs as you exhale and push your arms upward.

Ideally, you want to push so that your spine is lengthening. Make sure your legs stay straight and your feet firmly on the floor.

If you need to bend your legs at first, that is okay. However, you will want to stretch yourself further and further each time until your legs stay straight.

Also, keep your shoulders flat and distribute your weight evenly to add the resistance on your spine. You should remain in that position for several deep breaths and then repeat the entire movement several more times.

Head to Knee - The Janu Shirshasana position, as it is called in yoga, is a fantastic way to decompress your spine and stretch your hamstrings.

Just like the downward dog stretch, you want to make sure your spine stays straight to get the full benefit of the exercise.

Head to Knee - Increase Height

Keeping your spine straight while exercising is one of the best ways to increase height. Also, remember to breathe deeply and fluidly throughout your maneuvers because it will also help decompress your spine.

Begin this exercise by sitting on the floor with your legs fully extended in front of you. Bend one leg by pulling your heel as close to your body as possible, in a “P” shape, but keeping your buttocks planted on the floor.

You should rotate your body so that you are facing the extended leg and raise your arms over your head while you inhale. Keep your back straight as you bend forward slowly and exhale.

Do not bend at your hips, but by rolling forward on your buttocks. Tense your thigh muscles as you bend, this will release the hamstring and promote better flexibility.

At the end of your forward momentum, gently lower your arms to grab your foot and pull forward.

Then, pull your opposite leg into the “P” shape and extend the leg that was previously bent. Repeat the exercise for the opposite side of your body.

Keep your pace slow and breathe deeply throughout the exercise to fully stretch out your spine.

Whether you are doing a simple standing forward bend or the more aggressive Janu Shirshasana, stretching exercises will help decompress your spine and promote your body’s flexibility.

Of the many ways to increase height, stretching is one of the most effective. In the ebook, Grow Taller 4 Idiots, you will learn more about the many profound effects stretching has on your body.

You will read more detailed instruction for these three stretching exercises, and many more. There are stretches for every level of fitness, from beginner to very advanced.

Grow Taller 4 Idiots has a complete set of specially designed exercise programs and other important information you need to make your body grow.

Double Forward Bend - The Double Forward Bend puts resistance on both your back and your hamstrings. This pressure pulls your spine, which stretches your entire spinal column and accelerates decompression which is how to become taller naturally.

Double Forward Bend - Become Taller

Start by sitting on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and your hands on your hips. Stretch your arms out in front of you and bend forward as you try to touch your toes.

Although you may not be able to touch your toes at first, doing this stretch regularly will make your body more flexible and you will soon find that you can easily grab your toes.

This increased flexibility is a major step to becoming taller . You will want to repeat this move 5 times using both hands. Next, spread your feet apart a few inches and then stretch by alternating one hand at a time, touching your right foot with your left hand and your left foot with your right hand.

You should also repeat this stretch with each hand at least 5 times.

Backward Bend - The Backward Bend, also known as the Roll Over Stretch, is one of the better exercises to become taller. This exercise forces your spine to reach a maximum curvature which frees the cartilage to begin thickening and helping you become taller fast.

Backward Bend - The Backward Bend, also known as the Roll Over Stretch, is one of the better exercises to become taller. This exercise forces your spine to reach a maximum curvature which frees the cartilage to begin thickening and helping you become taller fast.

Backward Bend - Become Taller

To begin this move, find a firm surface and lay flat on your back with your arms extended towards your feet and palms on the floor.

Keep your feet together as you raise your legs over your head. Your goal is to have your toes touch the floor behind your head. Push off the floor with your palms to give you the power to lift your legs over your head and raise your hips off the floor.

You may not be able to touch the floor at first, but you should work toward that goal without over-exerting yourself. After your toes touch the ground, or have reached as far as possible, then bring your legs back to your starting position in a gentle, controlled manner.

You should repeat this exercise at least 5 times.

The Cobra - This next exercise, called the Cobra or Bhujangasana, is a two stage exercise that stretches your spine but also tones the essential support muscles in your back and arms.

Cobra Pose - Become Taller

In the first stage of this exercise, lay on your stomach with your legs together.

Your arms should be close to your sides and your hands by your chest.

Slowly arch your back so that you head and chest are raised as high as they will go, with your heart and chest pushed outward.

Make sure to keep your buttock muscles tense to protect your lower back.

Take several deep breaths and then gently lower yourself back into your starting position.

You should repeat this step as much as you need to prepare for the next stage. In the next stage, do this movement again but when your head reaches its peak height raise yourself up onto your arms which will increase the stretching in your back.

You should stretch as far as you can without discomfort, but make sure you keep your pelvis on the floor. Once again, take several deep breaths and then slowly come back down to your starting position before repeating the movement.

Because your spine is such a major factor in your height and activity, it is important that you keep it healthy. It is always a good idea to check with your physician before you begin any exercise program, including back exercises.

Once you have been cleared for this type of workout, make sure you perform back exercises, like these three, that will best benefit your spine and help you become taller.

If you would like to learn more about how back exercises, and many other exercises, can help you fulfill your growth potential then check out the ebook Grow Taller 4 Idiots.

Grow Taller 4 Idiots is a great resource for anyone looking to become taller naturally. The book will give you a more profound understanding of what factors inhibit growth.

More importantly it will teach you how exercises, such as the back exercises discussed here, can help you overcome these obstacles and make yourself taller.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Perfect Day of Eating for GOOD HEALTH

6:43 a.m.

You've just rolled out of bed. You need to be on the road by 7:20. Big day of work ahead.

Eat This: Bacon or ham and fried eggs

Benefit 1: Fullness and energy
The protein in this power meal will keep you feeling full throughout the morning. A University of Illinois study found that people who eat more protein and less carbs than in conventional meals find it easier to stick to a diet. Protein is satiating and may also boost calorie burn, the study authors say.

Benefit 2: Relaxed blood vessels
When you digest eggs, protein fragments are produced that can prevent your blood vessels from narrowing—which may help keep your blood pressure from rising. In fact, Canadian scientists found in a lab study that the hotter the eggs, the more potent the proteins, and frying them sends their temps soaring.

9:42 a.m.

Drink This: Peppermint tea
Benefit: Focus
Researchers in Cincinnati found that periodic whiffs of peppermint increases people's concentration and performance on tasks requiring sustained attention. (Sniff: "I can do this.") Now, we know most guys don't keep peppermint tea in their desks. So here's your Men's Health–approved shopping suggestion. The brand Stash has made MH's Best Foods for Men list for the last 2 years. Brew a cup and impress coworkers with your focus.

12:00 p.m.

Lunchtime. You can't stop stressing over the big meeting in an hour. You have to give a presentation—and stay awake through your colleagues' presentations. You're not sure which challenge is more daunting. Eat This: Grilled salmon

Benefit: Alertness
Salmon contains tyrosine, an amino acid that your brain uses to make dopamine and norepinephrine—neurochemicals that keep you alert. The brain-balm omega-3s in salmon may also help tame your neurotic tendencies. Halibut and trout are good alternatives to salmon.

Add This: Spinach or arugula salad Benefit: Improved mood and memory

Leafy greens are a good source of the B vitamin folate, used by the brain to make the mood controllers serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Folate shortages have been linked to depression. Add carrots: Beta-carotene may help reduce the effects of oxidative stress on your memory.

3:11 p.m.

That headache is still there—and you're getting over a cold and need something for that cough. And you have a date tonight.

Eat This: Ginseng Benefit:Immunity boost

In a Canadian study, people who took 400 milligrams of ginseng extract a day had 56 percent fewer recurring colds than those who popped placebos. Studies suggest ginseng can boost the activity of key immune cells. Another benefit: Ginseng might boost your brainpower. British researchers found that people who swallowed 200 milligrams of the extract an hour before taking a cognitive test scored significantly better than when they skipped the supplement.

5:20 p.m.

Eat This: Half an apple and a shot of espresso

Benefit 1: Preworkout energy fix
It's low-calorie enough not to fill you up, but it has the carbohydrates you need for energy. You'll hit the gym with added vigor.

Benefit 2: Postworkout muscle fuel
Australian researchers found that when cyclists combined carbs with caffeine after a workout, their supply of muscle glycogen refilled at a 66 percent faster rate than it did for cyclists who downed only carbs.

8:50 p.m.

You've picked up your date (she looks even better than you remembered)

, and you've just been seated for dinner. Time to order.

Drink This: Wine

Benefit: Relaxation
A glass of wine really does take the edge off. University of Toronto researchers discovered that one alcoholic drink causes people's blood vessels to relax—but the second drink begins to reverse the effect, so limit your intake. You'll be even more relaxed knowing that that glass of red contains resveratrol, an antioxidant linked to everything fro

m cancer prevention to heart-disease protection. One variety that's packed with resveratrol: pinot noir.

Not That: Whiskey
A small 2007 study says that more than twice as many people with alcohol or drug problems had prematurely gray hair as those without. Long-term abuse may speed the aging and loss of melanocytes, cells that give hair its pigment.

11:20 p.m.

You're at home. Alone. It's been a long day, but you can't fall asleep becaus

e your mind is racing.

Drink This: Cherry juice

Benefit: Sleep-inducing serotonin
Carbohydrates help boost your brain's production of serotonin, a neurochemical that ca

n help induce sleepiness. We're guessing you don't have any in your fridge. So buy Lakewood

Organic Pure Black Cherry juice, which has only one ingredient: juice from organic black cherries

. There's no added sugar, and a 4-ounce glass contains just 70 calories.

Not That: Warm milk
Contrary to popular belief, warm milk will keep you up, not knock you out. Blame the protein in the milk, which can reduce serotonin levels and delay the onset of sleep.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Coffee: The New "Nutri-Cosmetics" to Get Rid of Wrinkles

Want to get rid of those pesky wrinkles? Well, then forget trying lotion and grab a cup of coffee.

Nescafe, brand of instant coffee made by Swiss-based manufacturer Nestle, has started selling a version aimed at women, and it comes with the beauty-enhancing ingredient collagen.

So, instead of applying lotions to smooth out Wrinkles,users can simply rely on cup of Coffee.
Sachets contain coffee, skimmed milk and 200mg of collagen - a protein found naturally in body tissue.

For more details contact medindia.net.

Plastic Bottles with Water Can Endanger Your Health

A new research conducted by Harvard University and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They has revealed that drinking water from plastic bottles made with the toxic chemical bisphenol A (BPA) increases urinary levels of the chemical by nearly 70%(percent).

BPA is an industrial chemical that makes plastics hard and transparent, reports Environmental News Network.

It is widely used in Plastic drinking water Bottles.infant bottles and other consumer products,and also in resins that line can and food and infant formula.

For More details visit www.medindia.net.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How To Get Slim With Healthy Eating Habits

Many women want to be slim. Maybe you’re one of them. Perhaps you’re getting married soon and you want to fit into your wedding gown comfortably. Or perhaps you simply want to look (and feel) great in a swimsuit or bikini.

Assessing your current eating habits.

Keep a record of your eating habits for a week. The record should contain the following information:

  • What you are eating

  • How much you’re eating

  • When you eat (note the times) – you want to know how far apart your meals and snacks are.

  • How many glasses of water you drink each day

  • How you feel after eating – pleasantly satisfied or bloated and stuffed.

When you find out your current eating habits, you’ll need to determine which habits are sabotaging your efforts to lose weight. Those are the ones you want to change. More on that later.

Taking Action

To form healthy eating habits, start with small changes.

Don’t make too many changes at once. Set yourself main targets, such as ‘I will drink 8 glasses of water each day’, then set smaller targets to help you reach each main target.

Using the example above, a small target could be ‘I will drink an extra glass of water after each meal’. When you break down your targets, they don’t seem so daunting. They seem easily achievable, so you feel encouraged to stick to them.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Three Indians brutally attacked by 70 Aus youths

After a brief lull in attacks on Indians in Australia, three members of the community were "brutally bashed" by a group of around 70 youths, including women, who were attending a birthday party in a bar here after making racist remarks against the trio.

26-year-old Sukhdip Singh, who arrived here a month ago on a spouse visa, his brother Gurdeep Singh and uncle Mukhtair Singh were attacked by the group when they were playing pool in a bar in Epping suburb on Saturday.

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Friday, September 11, 2009

Five Key Health Tips For Women In Their 20s

"A lot of women in their 20s make the mistake of putting off establishing good eating and fitness habits, but this is the best time to create a foundation of healthy living," says Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill, RN, executive director of NWHRC.

Here are five key health tips from the NWHRC for women in their 20s:

1. Establish an exercise routine (that you enjoy!)

Daily do the Exercise that help to the Active and young to the body andStaying active will help you develop a strong body that looks and feels good as you age. It can lower your risk for disease, reduce stress and protect your bones and joints. So it's important to take part in physical activities that are not only challenging, but also fun and motivating. Keep things interesting by mixing it up; whether it's a dance class or a kayaking trip, don't be afraid to try something new.

2. Maintain healthy eating habits

Stop worrying about your weight, and start thinking about your health. Eating mostly whole foods, including lots of veggies, fruits and whole grains, is the key to feeling and looking your best. Start by adding an additional serving of fruits and vegetables to every meal.

Lower your chance of osteoporosis later by consuming more calcium now. Calcium can be found in dairy products including milk, yogurt and cheese, and also in other foods, such as leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, broccoli and tofu. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium so it's important to take a supplement, eat foods fortified with vitamin D or take a walk outdoors in the sunshine.

3. Protect your skin

This is good habbit to taking care of your skin. This Healthy habits today will pay off in later years. Good Health skin depend on the which soap we can use. It depends on what you eat, whether you exercise, how much stress you're under and even the kind of environment in which you live and work. Eating a Health diet and nutrician food rich in vitamins and minerals, wearing sunscreen and the monthly we can check the body a dermatologist can keep you looking young and feeling good as you age.
4. Get a good night's sleep

Not getting enough sleep can interfere with your memory and ability to reason and concentrate, make you more susceptible to injury, increase stress levels and reduce your body's ability to fight infection or heal. If you have trouble getting a good night's rest, try going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day or taking a hot shower before bed. If you are not sleep regularly you face many problems that totally depends on your stress and memory and going to inactive so a Good sleep is showing success in your life.

5. Manage stress

It's easy to get manage with balancing a new job, friends and relatives that help to decress your stress in your life. Breathe; slow, deep, diaphragmatic breaths can trigger a relaxation response in your whole body.A good relaxation is also help to decress the stressand help to happy in your life.

Australia reports first Tamiflu-resistant H1N1 case

The first Australian case of swine flu resistant to Roche Holding AG's antiviral drug Tamiflu was confirmed by the Western Australia state government on Friday.

"The 38-year-old Perth man, who has a weakened immune system, initially responded to the drug but developed a resistant strain of the virus when his illness relapsed," the state's Department of Health said in a statement.

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Saturday, September 5, 2009

Brain power

The physical effects of what we eat and drink and how often we exercise have been studied ad infinitum by the American medical community, with these factors being linked to conditions such as obesity, high cholesterol and heart disease. But as physicians across Fairfield County noted, many contemporary studies are beginning to suggest that these lifestyle choices also have a profound impact on the well-being of our brains.

"We are in the infancy of looking at the effects of diet and exercise on brain health," said Louise Resor, director of neurology at Stamford Hospital, "But there are many studies that suggest brain health is dependent on traditional medical factors."

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How Bad Feelings Can Harm Your Health

A study of stroke survivors found a slower rate of recovery among those experiencing apathy, caring little about themselves and the world around them. And a study of healthy middle-aged women found an association between hopelessness and unexpected thickening of the carotid artery, the main blood vessel to the brain.

The apathy study was triggered by a 2006 paper on Parkinson's disease in a different journal, said Nancy E. Mayo, a professor of medicine at McGill University in Montreal, and lead author of the apathy study. "It said that if patients were apathetic the best thing was just to leave them alone," she said. "I was incensed that the author said we just shouldn't care."

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Friday, September 4, 2009

Face Wrinkles

Deal with Face Wrinkles in the Most Natural Way

Growing old is natural things, everybody should experience this process. However, being beautiful in your old ages is also a normal thing. The reason is simple; it is nobody wants to look ugly.

This fact can be seen that every year a thousand Dollars are spend by cosmetic company to help their client look twenty when actually they are forty. Face wrinkles is one natural thing but for some people it is a kind of disaster that occur in their face. Many products are produced to help people deal with their wrinkles issue, some products are issued to help the users camouflage their face wrinkles and the other provide them the possibility to slow the aging process. From this thing you can see that how hard you try to keep your beauty wrinkles are always there because actually being beauty physically is not everything. Keep yourself health and think positively enables you to deal with stress and live without stress is able to slow the face wrinkles to occur.

Find Out the Best Vitamins for Hair Loss

For female dealing with hair loss issue is much harder if compared to male. For male being baldness can be considered as common thing, but for female, it is disaster. Mostly hair loss is experienced by male, but because it is mostly caused by genetic problem, it is also possible to be experienced by female

10 Tasty, Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

You get up in the morning, you rush to get ready for work, you rush out the door without a breakfast. Perhaps you grab a bagel and cream cheese, perhaps a muffin, perhaps an Egg McMuffin. If you’re lucky, you get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English fry-up.

Unfortunately, when it comes to being healthy, none of these options is a great way to start your day.

Several readers asked about healthy breakfast ideas, and in truth, it’s a dilemma that many of us face each day. Either we don’t have time for breakfast, or we don’t have many healthy options.


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Six Benefits of Improved Health Fitness

One... Extends life expectancy.

Two... Increases energy and stamina.

Three...Increases self confidence and reduces stress.

Four... Improves quality of sleep.

Five...Aids body weight maintenance

Six...Reduces illness and disease


How Young is Too Young to Diagnose Depression?

Any parent can attest that the “Terrible 2’s” are a moody, temperamental time in the life of a toddler. Many kids are irritable and seem to throw temper tantrums for no reason, and some engage in more destructive behaviors like biting, hitting, and kicking themselves or others. Unfortunately, for some children, this phase lasts well beyond their third birthday. Are these kids just demonstrating the outward signs of emotional immaturity, or are they suffering from clinical depression? A new study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and published in Archives of General Psychiatry suggests it may be the latter.

Depression was most likely in children of mothers with depression or other mood disorders, as well as children who had experienced a traumatic event, such as the death of a parent or abuse. While most preschoolers are happy-go-lucky most of the time, depressed children are often sad and tend to play games with somber themes. A persistent lack of appetite, frequent temper tantrums, and sleep problems are also symptoms seen in depressed children. Further, excessive guilt and shame is an indicator of preschool-onset depression. Despite investigation, no evidence has shown that depressed preschoolers show developmental delays.

Health Tips For Children

Encourage Kids To Play
With children, the easiest way to maintain fitness is to get them moving. A responsible parent will encourage his/her child to participate in sports and other physical activities. Make your children health conscious from an early age by encouraging them to devote time on outdoor activities like playing, than sitting indoors to watch television programs. A child doesn’t need to work really hard to be in good physical shape.
A Healthy Diet
Fitness is often associated with exercise and workout. However, eating a healthy diet is equally, an integral part of a right fitness regime. For children, a healthy diet is indispensable at a growing age like theirs. All the physical exercise without healthy food to compensate for that strenuous effort can adversely affect the physical disposition of a child. Children should get all the nutrients from their meals.
Healthy & Nutritious Snacks
Children are fonder of snacks than proper meals. Go for healthy and nutritious snacks and prepare them in an interesting and innovative ways so that your child is encouraged to eat.

Healthy Foods

We women are constantly struggling to find the right way to add the minerals and vitamins through our daily diet.

Full of Beans

We know that eating fibres is a must for a good digestion. If you are looking for sources to add fibre to your daily diet, go for beans. Beans in every form and colour gives you more than 5 grams of fibre per helping. They are low fat, inexpensive, nutritious and can be cooked in various ways. Add a type of beans everyday in your menu.

Scrunchy Cabbage:

We women need folic acid in double doses to fight various health problems and keep looking young longe

r. It is known that deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy can harm the child and mother. To add that naturally to your diet, go for cabbage. It has folate, a water-soluble vitamin B, a form of folic acid. According to health experts consuming 400 micrograms of folic acid daily is a must for women. You can add that to your diet by going for cabbage based salads, or sandwiches.

Munch on Carrot

We women are looking for ways to improve our skin and hair. Well the magic mineral for is beta carotene, an antioxidant and essential mineral that improves eyesight. Since the body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, this nutrient helps repair your skin. So stock up on veggies like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and squash to add a dose of carotene to your food daily. If you can̢۪t figure out what to cook with theses, then simply munch on a fresh red carrot. Make carrot cake or a pumpkin pie, sweet potato or carrot halwa to add beta carotene to your menu in a fun delicious way.


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Healthy Glow That’s Truly Healthy

“You’ve been in the sun,” a woman remarked when she saw me last month, a hint of disapproval in her voice.

“No,” I was pleased to be able to reply. “I just use a tinted face cream and makeup to match.”

You see, I’ve learned my lesson, sort of. I’ve had four precancers (medically, actinic keratoses) removed from my face in recent years, the consequence of decades of unprotected exposure to the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun. From my teens through my 30s, I devoted hours to baking in the summer sun coated with baby oil, not sunscreen.


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wealth of Health : 5 Tips

Follow the Pyramid

Follow the PyramidNot the pyramids in Egypt, we mean the food pyramid. A food pyramid basically tells you what to eat most and what to scrimp on. At the base of the pyramid are things that you should consume the most like cereals and pulses. As the pyramid tapers off to its peak, it tells you about the things you should eat sparingly like oils and fats. In the middle of the pyramid are food items to be consumed moderately like fruits and veggies followed by milk and meat products. Keep this in mind when you eat or plan your meals.

Regular Checks:

Never underestimate the power of monitoring your health. A major part of staying well is consistency in health and that can only be figured out if the indicators of your health are regularly monitored. These indicators are Sugar Levels, Blood Pressure, Haemoglobin Count, Urine Analysis, Cholesterol and Lipid Profile, Liver Function Test, ECG, and Chest X-Ray. Many hospitals such as Apollo Hospitals have comprehensive health check-ups that cover all these tests and more. These tests become all the more important as you age.

Sweat It:

There is no alternative to exercising and you don’t just need to do it when you gain a few extra pounds. Exercise keeps you active and energetic and it is great for the joints. However, be careful of over-straining yourself. Consult a physician or fitness trainer to figure out a fitness plan that is best suited for you. And do remember to wear the right outfit and footwear while exercising, else you may injure yourself. Keep

moving and don’t allow yourself to be glued to a chair all day.

Water Rules!

Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking a lot of water throughout the day. Water is actually a miracle drink that aids many of your bodily functions like

getting rid of toxins, eliminating wastes, regulating body temperature, lubrication of body joints, assisting in digestion processes, and much more. This is one drink you should indulge in all day and every day!


Stress leads to many physical and mental disorders. Keep it at bay with deep breathing, leisurely strolls, meditation, chanting, and listening to music. Other ways to relax include socializing, traveling, talking to friends, or basically doing anything that pleases you and makes you feel good.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Charts / Tables

Health Charts / Tables
Desirable Weights (Kilograms)




Small Frame

Medium Frame

Large Frame


Small Frame

Medium Frame

Large Frame























































































































