You've just rolled out of bed. You need to be on the road by 7:20. Big day of work ahead.
Eat This: Bacon or ham and fried eggs
Benefit 1: Fullness and energy
The protein in this power meal will keep you feeling full throughout the morning. A University of Illinois study found that people who eat more protein and less carbs than in conventional meals find it easier to stick to a diet. Protein is satiating and may also boost calorie burn, the study authors say.
Benefit 2: Relaxed blood vessels
When you digest eggs, protein fragments are produced that can prevent your blood vessels from narrowing—which may help keep your blood pressure from rising. In fact, Canadian scientists found in a lab study that the hotter the eggs, the more potent the proteins, and frying them sends their temps soaring.
9:42 a.m.
Drink This: Peppermint teaBenefit: Focus
Researchers in Cinc

12:00 p.m.
Lunchtime. You can't stop stressing over the big meeting in an hour. You have to give a presentation—and stay awake through your colleagues' presentations. You're not sure which challenge is more daunting. Eat This: Grilled salmon
Benefit: Alertness
Salmon contains tyrosine, an amino acid that your brain uses to make dopamine and norepinephrine—neurochemicals that keep you alert. The brain-balm omega-3s in salmon may also help tame your neurotic tendencies. Halibut and trout are good alternatives to salmon.
Add This: Spinach or arugula salad Benefit: Improved mood and memory
Leafy greens are a good source of the B vitamin folate, used by the brain to make the mood controllers serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. Folate shortages have been linked to depression. Add carrots: Beta-carotene may help reduce the effects of oxidative stress on your memory.
3:11 p.m.
That headache is still there—and you're getting over a cold and need something for that cough. And you have a date tonight.
Eat This: Ginseng Benefit:Immunity boost
In a Canadian study, people who took 400 milligrams of ginseng extract a day had 56 percent fewer recurring colds than those who popped placebos. Studies suggest ginseng can boost the activity of key immune cells. Another benefit: Ginseng might boost your brainpower. British researchers found that people who swallowed 200 milligrams of the extract an hour before taking a cognitive test scored significantly better than when they skipped the supplement.
Eat This: Half an apple and a shot of espresso
Benefit 1: Preworkout energy fix
It's low-calorie enough not to fill you up, but it has the carbohydrates you need for energy. You'll hit the gym with added vigor.
Benefit 2: Postworkout muscle fuel
Australian researchers found that when cyclists combined carbs with caffeine after a workout, their supply of muscle glycogen refilled at a 66 percent faster rate than it did for cyclists who downed only carbs.
8:50 p.m.
You've picked up your date (she looks even better than you remembered)
, and you've just been seated for dinner. Time to order.
Drink This: Wine
Benefit: Relaxation
A glass of wine really does take the edge off. University of Toronto researchers discovered that one alcoholic drink causes people's blood vessels to relax—but the second drink begins to reverse the effect, so limit your intake. You'll be even more relaxed knowing that that glass of red contains resveratrol, an antioxidant linked to everything fro
m cancer prevention to heart-disease protection. One variety that's packed with resveratrol: pinot noir.
Not That: Whiskey
A small 2007 study says that more than twice as many people with alcohol or drug problems had prematurely gray hair as those without. Long-term abuse may speed the aging and loss of melanocytes, cells that give hair its pigment.
11:20 p.m.
You're at home. Alone. It's been a long day, but you can't fall asleep becaus
e your mind is racing.
Drink This: Cherry juice
Benefit: Sleep-inducing serotonin
Carbohydrates help boost your brain's production of serotonin, a neurochemical that ca
n help induce sleepiness. We're guessing you don't have any in your fridge. So buy Lakewood
Organic Pure Black Cherry juice, which has only one ingredient: juice from organic black cherries
. There's no added sugar, and a 4-ounce glass contains just 70 calories.
Not That: Warm milk
Contrary to popular belief, warm milk will keep you up, not knock you out. Blame the protein in the milk, which can reduce serotonin levels and delay the onset of sleep.