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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Six Benefits of Improved Health Fitness

One... Extends life expectancy.

Two... Increases energy and stamina.

Three...Increases self confidence and reduces stress.

Four... Improves quality of sleep.

Five...Aids body weight maintenance

Six...Reduces illness and disease


How Young is Too Young to Diagnose Depression?

Any parent can attest that the “Terrible 2’s” are a moody, temperamental time in the life of a toddler. Many kids are irritable and seem to throw temper tantrums for no reason, and some engage in more destructive behaviors like biting, hitting, and kicking themselves or others. Unfortunately, for some children, this phase lasts well beyond their third birthday. Are these kids just demonstrating the outward signs of emotional immaturity, or are they suffering from clinical depression? A new study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and published in Archives of General Psychiatry suggests it may be the latter.

Depression was most likely in children of mothers with depression or other mood disorders, as well as children who had experienced a traumatic event, such as the death of a parent or abuse. While most preschoolers are happy-go-lucky most of the time, depressed children are often sad and tend to play games with somber themes. A persistent lack of appetite, frequent temper tantrums, and sleep problems are also symptoms seen in depressed children. Further, excessive guilt and shame is an indicator of preschool-onset depression. Despite investigation, no evidence has shown that depressed preschoolers show developmental delays.

Health Tips For Children

Encourage Kids To Play
With children, the easiest way to maintain fitness is to get them moving. A responsible parent will encourage his/her child to participate in sports and other physical activities. Make your children health conscious from an early age by encouraging them to devote time on outdoor activities like playing, than sitting indoors to watch television programs. A child doesn’t need to work really hard to be in good physical shape.
A Healthy Diet
Fitness is often associated with exercise and workout. However, eating a healthy diet is equally, an integral part of a right fitness regime. For children, a healthy diet is indispensable at a growing age like theirs. All the physical exercise without healthy food to compensate for that strenuous effort can adversely affect the physical disposition of a child. Children should get all the nutrients from their meals.
Healthy & Nutritious Snacks
Children are fonder of snacks than proper meals. Go for healthy and nutritious snacks and prepare them in an interesting and innovative ways so that your child is encouraged to eat.

Healthy Foods

We women are constantly struggling to find the right way to add the minerals and vitamins through our daily diet.

Full of Beans

We know that eating fibres is a must for a good digestion. If you are looking for sources to add fibre to your daily diet, go for beans. Beans in every form and colour gives you more than 5 grams of fibre per helping. They are low fat, inexpensive, nutritious and can be cooked in various ways. Add a type of beans everyday in your menu.

Scrunchy Cabbage:

We women need folic acid in double doses to fight various health problems and keep looking young longe

r. It is known that deficiency of folic acid during pregnancy can harm the child and mother. To add that naturally to your diet, go for cabbage. It has folate, a water-soluble vitamin B, a form of folic acid. According to health experts consuming 400 micrograms of folic acid daily is a must for women. You can add that to your diet by going for cabbage based salads, or sandwiches.

Munch on Carrot

We women are looking for ways to improve our skin and hair. Well the magic mineral for is beta carotene, an antioxidant and essential mineral that improves eyesight. Since the body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, this nutrient helps repair your skin. So stock up on veggies like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes and squash to add a dose of carotene to your food daily. If you canĂ¢€™t figure out what to cook with theses, then simply munch on a fresh red carrot. Make carrot cake or a pumpkin pie, sweet potato or carrot halwa to add beta carotene to your menu in a fun delicious way.
